Xerox PARC Forum: AI and Robotics at an Inflection Point

Self-Aware Systems

On September 18, 2014 Steve Omohundro gave the Xerox PARC Forum on “AI and Robotics at an Inflection Point”. Here’s a PDF file of the slides.

AI and Robotics at an Inflection Point
PARC Forum

18 September 2014
5:00-6:30pm (5:00-6:00 presentation and Q&A, followed by networking until 6:30)
George E. Pake Auditorium, PARC


Google, IBM, Microsoft, Apple, Facebook, Baidu, Foxconn, and others have recently made multi-billion dollar investments in artificial intelligence and robotics. Some of these investments are aimed at increasing productivity and enhancing coordination and cooperation. Others are aimed at creating strategic gains in competitive interactions. This is creating “arms races” in high-frequency trading, cyber warfare, drone warfare, stealth technology, surveillance systems, and missile warfare. Recently, Stephen Hawking, Elon Musk, and others have issued strong cautionary statements about the safety of intelligent technologies. We describe the potentially antisocial “rational drives” of self-preservation, resource acquisition, replication, and self-improvement that…

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